But I'll admit this: they're better than "education attorneys." There seems to be a code among members of the Council of School Attorneys that they will ignore legal ethics and other laws to promote the power of board members and school administrators.
I think it would be great for ALL these lawyers to switch sides. The victim attorneys could re-educate board members on the requirements of the law, and the benefits of treating employees like human beings.
And I'm sure the "education attorneys" could do a nice flip, if that's what they needed to do to get paid. They certainly know all the dirty tricks, and would be ready to counteract them.
The system needs to change, instead of having problems addressed on a piecemeal basis, then having wrongdoing hidden by confidentiality clauses in settlements.

Diane Crosier and Keenan and Associates need to be replaced with ethical adminstrators and brokers.
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