Calif. mom exposes abuses of exchange students
July 31, 2009
In a few weeks, thousands of foreign exchange students will arrive in the United States for what they hope will be a rewarding time of study and cultural enrichment. Shortly after that, Danielle Grijalva's phone will start ringing, and her e-mail inbox will begin filling up. It happens every year.
While most of the 30,000 exchange students who come to the U.S. each year have positive experiences, some find themselves stuck in bad homes with little prospect of getting out — especially if the agency that placed them doesn't take their concerns seriously or even blames them for the problems.
...From her base in Oceanside, Calif., the 43-year-old stay-at-home mom has almost single-handedly taken on the foreign exchange industry, intervening in abuse cases, questioning placement agencies' marketing practices, and bashing the U.S. State Department for what she says is lax regulation.
The industry says she exaggerates problems and makes reckless allegations. Two defamation lawsuits have been filed against her.
But the watchdog's complaints about the dozens of programs that import foreigners were recently borne out in northeastern Pennsylvania, where a Scranton woman was charged last week with child endangerment for allegedly placing exchange students in filthy homes with ex-convicts and not enough food. Grijalva helped one of the teens file a complaint with the State Department and offered advice to local child welfare investigators on how to proceed.
Her involvement was to be expected. Since launching her tiny nonprofit five years ago — the Committee for Safety of Foreign Exchange Students — Grijalva (gree-HAHL'-vah) has answered thousands of e-mails and phone calls from aggrieved students and their worried parents back home.
"By the time they reach CFCES, they are so exhausted and so emotional, but so elated to find someone who will say, 'We will help you as much as we can,'" Grijalva said.
She has racked up some notable successes. Besides getting students out of bad situations, her organization successfully pushed for regulatory reform in 2006 and investigated an Allentown-based placement agency that Pennsylvania authorities shut down earlier this year.
She's also made enemies. On a recent Sunday morning, Grijalva was served with a state lawsuit that claims she defamed one of the largest exchange programs, California-based Council for Educational Travel, USA, by making "false statements" about it while intervening in the case of a Norwegian student in Minnesota.
A French agency, Programmes Internationaux d'Echanges, and two of its U.S. affiliates [AFS is one] sued her for defamation in North Carolina two years ago, and won a preliminary injunction against her while the case proceeds.
[Maura Larkins' comment: A North Carolina judge ordered a California woman to shut down her website? He's not the boss of her! How did AFS find that judge?]
Grijalva, who has countersued P.I.E., says the lawsuits are intended to shut her up.
But critics complain that she paints with an overly broad brush, resulting in a distorted picture of the U.S. exchange program. Since the majority of students go home happy, they say it's unfair and inaccurate to malign an entire industry based on scattered cases of abuse and neglect.
[Maura Larkins' comment: It's fair to talk about how the industry handles those scattered cases of abuse and neglect. Exchange programs seem to look away and ignore complaints far too frequently.]
..Danish student Emily Larsen says her host family in Denver belonged to a fundamentalist church that denounced Jews, Muslims, homosexuals and others. Larsen, who was raised secular, says she was made to go to the church 10 hours a week, and that it "brainwashed" her and pressured her to join. When her placement counselor ignored her pleas for help, she turned to CSFES.
"I felt like my whole life was totally falling apart," said Larsen, of Copenhagen, whose experience left her so traumatized that she has been seeing a psychologist. "In two days, Danielle got me out."
...Grijalva says exchange agencies often bring students to the U.S. without first securing host families for them, leading to hasty, ill-advised placements like the ones in northeastern Pennsylvania. And many agencies require students to first approach their local coordinators with problems, threatening them with repatriation if they seek outside help...
Excellent site, keep up the good work. I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks,
A definite great read…
exchange student program
One only needs to visit her website, www.csfes.org, to see why she is getting sued for defamation. She posts so-called "articles," (really one-sided diatribes full of half-truths which mostly quote... herself!!) slamming the exchange industry.
As a member of the exchange industry, I chose to leave this comment anonymous as she tends to target those who highlight her questionable tactics.
Maura Larkins: you claim that 'Exchange programs seem to look away and ignore complaints far too frequently." What is the basis for this statement? Do you realize the scrutiny that exchange programs are under from the U.S. Dept. of State and CSIET, and what would happen if we ignored a complaint?
Those who wish to work for the safety of exchange students must work WITH the non-profit exchange organizations who sponsor the students' visas, not form baseless claims based on opinion and designed to draw hype more than help.
Dear Anonymous:
Danielle Grijalva is getting sued for defamation because she didn't keep secret the stories of desperate young people who were mistreated by their exchange hosts. These young people contacted Grijalva; she didn't go looking for trouble. It came to her, and she was too compassionate to turn her back.
The exchange industry seems to want only to cover-up problems, not fix them.
If you have found a half-truth on Grijalva's site, why don't you tell us what it is?
You ask me what the State Department would do if your industry ignored a complaint. The answer to that question is clear: the State Department is currently proposing to tighten rules for exchange agencies because the exchange agencies were ignoring complaints. See this post.
You seem to be talking about some other country when you say, "Those who wish to work for the safety of exchange students must work WITH the non-profit exchange organizations." In this country, citizens are allowed to talk about wrongdoing by organizations that pull in large amounts of money by questionable means. We aren't limited to humbly requesting that organizations to give up some profits in order to do the right thing for young people.
Dear Anonymous:
Apparently the State Dept no longer agrees with you that simply working with the exchange industry will solve problems. Assistant Secretary Crowley at the State Dept said, "I think in large respect because we, we put too much emphasis on the program agents to police themselves; we recognize that that has not worked properly."
Any person who thinks the current screening system is adequate is naive. Without fingerprint criminal background checks, sexual predators can gain access to foreign exchange students and HAVE. Ignoring complaints is what the U.S. Department of State has been doing for years resulting in the sexual abuse and exploitation of foreign exchange students. The proposed federal regulations are the result of hundreds of complaints forcing the State Department to (still dragging its feet) tighten child safety measures.
Hello Anonymous: You've aroused my curiosity. You've said, "Do you realize the scrutiny that exchange programs are under from the U.S. Dept. of State and CSIET, and what would happen if we ignored a complaint?" These are two amazing questions. Would you be able to shed some light here and provide the answers? I'd appreciate it. Thankx.
I can vouch for some of the things Danielle says. I am a host parent with AYUSA right now. That won't be the case next year. I may start my own advocacy community in Tucson this next year
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