Sunday, November 14, 2010

Schenectady is not alone: school districts tolerate bullies

Petty Tyrant
This American Life
In Schenectady, NY, a school maintenance man named Steve Raucci works his way up the ranks for 30 years, until finally he's in charge of the maintenance department. That's when he starts messing with his employees. Teasing them at meetings. Punishing them with crummy work assignments. Or worse things, like secretly slashing their tires in the middle of the night.

Judge says Raucci took pleasure in victims' suffering and fear
Jun 9, 2010
All Over Albany

In sentencing Steven Raucci to 23 years to life, judge Polly Hoye told Raucci the evidence against him was "voluminous and convincing and, at times, even overwhelming." And she said, "You took pleasure in [your victim's] suffering and fear." She also said: "I hope you spend up enough time incarcerated to understand the destructive path your life has taken." Raucci's attorney read statement written by his client which said of the sentence: "As far as I'm concerned, this is a death sentence for something I did not do." Schenectady County DA Bob Carney said it's unlikely Raucci will get parole after 23 years. [Daily Gazette $] [TU] [Fox23] [YNN] [CBS6]

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