See all Terry Grier posts HERE.
Actually, I just have one suggestion for Mr. Grier: When you want to counteract teacher union excesses, DON'T GET IN BED WITH COMPANIES LIKE ASPEN INTERNATIONAL THAT ARE INTERESTED IN POWER, NOT REFORM.
Aspen International is worse than the teachers union.
Try some real reform--like sitting down and talking to a cross-spectrum of teachers, and getting them to talk to each other and to parents. Take the politics out of schools, and put professionalism in the driver's seat. Also, set up a meaningful evaluation system for teachers. Right now, both teachers and administrators have influence based on their political power, not their professional abilities.
HISD board picks San Diego's Terry Grier
Choice to lead district vows to cut dropout rate
Aug. 21, 2009, 8:14AM
Houston school trustees united Thursday to name Terry Grier the new superintendent, and now the ambitious San Diego schools chief must win over an unfamiliar and diverse community.
Grier, who has run eight school systems in 25 years, will take over the Houston Independent School District pending final school board approval. State law requires a 21-day waiting period.
“I just think there's a wonderful opportunity here,” Grier said after receiving a standing ovation at HISD headquarters.
The 59-year-old stood with his wife, Nancy, by his side and said he would be “humbled and honored” to lead the nation's seventh-largest school district. He pledged to reduce HISD's dropout rate and said he would help “an already good district become a truly great district.”...
Houston Independent School District statistics:
• Hispanic: 61.1 percent
• Black: 27.8 percent
• Anglo: 7.8 percent
• Asian: 3.2 percent
• Low income: 80.9 percent
Sources: 2008-09 data from HISD
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