Sunday, June 07, 2009

How do you find out what goes on inside CTA? Do you ask a current insider, or a former insider?

Question: How do you find out the truth about what goes on inside California Teachers Association (CTA)?

Answer: You listen to people who used to be on the inside.


[Superintendent Pat] Pettit, himself a former teachers union president, said that during the time when he negotiated for teachers he was trained to spread misinformation among employees and to vilify opponents.


[David A. Sanchez told the board CTA never instructs members to be "anything but honest, assertive and united" in the collective bargaining process.


South Bay schools see more cuts

By Chris Moran
San Diego Union Tribune
March 3, 2006

Faced with shrinking enrollment that may ultimately force a school to close, South Bay Union School District trustees last night cut $1.8 million from the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1...

It also led last night to tension between employee unions and the superintendent. Employees picketed and distributed a salary chart that appeared to represent a 33 percent salary increase for the superintendent's position from 1999 through 2003.

[Superintendent Pat] Pettit angrily denounced the union tactics, saying he didn't accept a raise that he qualified for last year and hasn't approached the board about a raise this year.

“Damn it, I have not gotten a raise!” he said from his seat at the board table, addressing the dozens of employees in the audience. He later told the group, “If you don't like me, tough!”

[Superintendent Pat] Pettit, himself a former teachers union president, said that during the time when he negotiated for teachers he was trained to spread misinformation among employees and to vilify opponents.

[SWTA President] Frank Cherry, who has been teachers union president for 14 of the past 16 years, said there's no such training...

SWTA calls in big guns to set the record straight
from CTA website
May 2006

Facing some bad press generated by the superintendent of the South Bay Union School District, the Southwest Teachers Association called in CTA to defend its reputation.

[Maura Larkins' comment: CTA also was called in when local leaders made a mess of my case.]

The chapter, which is in contract negotiations with the district, organized a rally before the April 20 school board meeting to help build solidarity and brought in CTA Vice President David A. Sanchez to set the board straight.

According to a March 26 article in the San Diego Union Tribune, the superintendent claimed he had received training in how to "spread misinformation and vilify opponents" when he was a CTA member.

Sanchez told the board CTA never instructs members to be "anything but honest, assertive and united" in the collective bargaining process.

While he couldn't speak to the superintendent's recollections of 20-plus years ago, he could speak to the truth about "what CTA believes, what we have fought for, and what is happening in this school district."

...Before the meeting, Sanchez addressed the teachers at the rally, saying that CTA trains its members "to stand up to bullies, to organize, to unite and to speak the truth! And speaking the truth is easy because it is on our side."

[Maura Larkins' comment: David A. Sanchez (now president of CTA) is telling a half-truth. Sometimes CTA stands up to bullies. And sometimes CTA aids and abets bullies. It depends on the politics that are operating at the time...It should be noted that Southwest Teachers Association works with South County Teachers United.]

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