Saturday, January 19, 2013

Game-designer Jane McGonigle cures her own brain trauma by inventing SuperBetter--and offers the game free

Here is Jane McGonigal's website.

From the SuperBetterwebsite:
"SuperBetter helps you achieve your health goals — or recover from an illness or injury — by increasing your personal resilience. Resilience means staying curious, optimistic and motivated even in the face of the toughest challenges."

Koru Bean

At 3 years old, Koru Bean is the company’s youngest Acting Chief Executive Director of Morale. Koru is triple micro-chipped, enabling him to occasionally receive messages from distant solar bodies and decommissioned military bases. While the language barrier prevents him from translating this information to humankind, his determination remains admirable. His extrafurricular activities include leg-leaping, spinning, and investigating the truth behind research reports on sleep and memory. Koru received his degree from Petsmart Obedience School, and takes all of his compensation in food.

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