Thursday, June 26, 2008

Are San Diego JPAs being investigated?

"...Several publicly owned insurance companies have since reported receiving subpoenas from San Diego investigators..."
--San Diego Union Tribune
June 25, 2008

Lora Duzyk (left) is San Diego County Office of Education's Assistant Superintendent for Business Services

San Diego Union Tribune's Jonathan Sidener reports that the US Attorney has fined an insurance company for paying a San Diego insurance broker "millions of dollars in kickbacks disguised as items such as requests for proposals, communications and enrollment fees. Those fees were passed along to policyholders."

I have wondered for a long time why SDCOE-JPA officials would be motivated to pay lawyers millions of dollars to protect wrongdoers in San Diego County schools. It makes no sense, unless...

It seems that insurance companies and insurance brokers and their lawyers control San Diego County Office of Education.

The SDCOE board members (Bob Watkins, Sharon Jones, Susan Hartley, John Witt and Nick Aguilar) and superintendent Randy Ward refuse to investigate the Joint Powers Authority. They allow Lora Duzyk and Diane Crosier free rein to spend millions of tax dollars on protecting school districts who disobey the law and harm students and employees. Why? Obviously, someone more powerful and important than the public is making it worth their while to look the other way. Who is it?

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