From Wikipedia:
[Theodore] Olson was also the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel when then President Ronald Reagan ordered the Administrator of the EPA to withhold the documents on the ground that they contained "enforcement sensitive information." This led to an investigation by the House Judiciary Committee that later produced a report suggesting Olson had given false and misleading testimony before a House subcommittee during the investigation.

National-Security Adviser H.R. McMaster will be succeeded by John Bolton.
McMaster Is Out, an Even Bigger North Korea Hawk Is In
Yuri Friedman
The Atlantic
March 22, 2018
On Thursday, Donald Trump replaced a man who built the case for war with North Korea as a last resort with a man who just made the case for war with North Korea as more of a first resort. Trump announced that National-Security Adviser H.R. McMaster will be succeeded by John Bolton, the George W. Bush-era United Nations ambassador who has advocated for U.S. military action to prevent Saddam Hussein, Ayatollah Khamenei, and most recently Kim Jong Un from amassing weapons of mass destruction...
From Wikipedia on March 22, 2018:
John Robert Bolton (born November 20, 1948) is an American lawyer and diplomat who has served in several Republican administrations...Bolton is currently a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), senior advisor for Freedom Capital Investment Management, a Fox News Channel commentator... Bolton is also involved with...the National Rifle Association [NRA]...Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA)...