Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Del Mar teacher forced out: was she a brilliant teacher who got in someone's way--or was she performing poorly?

A teacher in Del Mar Union High School District has resigned for unknown reasons.  The troublesome issue here is that we can make a pretty safe bet that neither this teacher, nor any of the other teachers at her school, has been effectively observed and evaluated. In most districts, teacher evaluations are a joke.  Many principals don't bother to do observations of classrooms.  Schools in California and across the country are desperately in need of an effective teacher evaluation system.

 Did Del Mar get rid of a brilliant teacher who got in someone's way, or an ineffective, misbehaving teacher? 

The author of the article below shows no concern about the well-known inadequacy of teacher evaluations--and the shameful politics that controls many, if not most, school district personnel decisions. 

Obviously, both sides in this case have chosen to keep the facts secret, apparently because both sides have something to hide.

Education Matters: Del Mar settles with former employee, and other money matters

The Del Mar Union School District and permanent certificated employee, known as #199-415, have agreed to settle their differences.

This is according to an “Employment Separation, Settlement Agreement and Release of All Claims” document which was approved by the DMUSD Board of Trustees on May 11 at a special closed session board meeting.

The employee, identified only as a female teacher, went on paid administrative leave at an unspecified date before May 11. The district has paid her full regular salary and benefits, less taxes and other regular withholdings, through June 30, 2015.

The district also agreed to pay the teacher, who is no longer employed by the district, the amount of $57,994.46 which is equivalent to “her compensation and fringe benefits otherwise afforded were her employment to continue through January 2016.”...

In the agreement, the district “contends that causes exist to discipline #199-415” but agreed to “cease its investigation(s) related to allegations of any misconduct” and not recommend dismissal, suspension or any other type of disciplinary action against the employee.

Employee #199-415 “denies the district’s allegations” and “does not admit that she committed acts or omissions constituting misconduct.”

The agreement states that she voluntarily chose to resign her permanent certificated employment and to waive her tenure rights and the right to future employment with the district...

Both parties release the other from all claims, grievances and actions, “whether actual or potential, known or unknown” – and agreed that nothing in the agreement “shall be construed for any purpose as an admission of fault, error, wrongdoing or liability.”...

Del Mar’s trustees met several times in closed session prior to May 11 to discuss this matter, which was referenced in board meeting agendas as “Public Employee Evaluation/Dismissal/Discipline/Release.”

Both parties agreed to keep the settlement confidential and not disclose or publish the terms of the agreement “to any third party except as may be required by court order, lawful subpoena or law (i.e., Brown Act, California Public Records Act or Freedom of Information Act).”...

Who it is doesn’t really matter. What matters is that taxpayers know that significant general fund money has been spent on this settlement. And since the public is not privy to details, we can only hope the district’s elected officials are making wise decisions and are being good stewards of public funds.

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